St Mary’s Parish Church in East Lothian is a historic landmark that has stood the test of time. The church dates back to the 12th century and has undergone several renovations over the years. Today, it is a beautiful example of medieval architecture and serves as a place of worship for the local community.

The church boasts several impressive features, including a stunning stained glass window that dates back to the 19th century. The window depicts scenes from the life of Christ and adds to the church’s overall sense of grandeur. Visitors to the church can also admire the intricate stonework and beautiful carvings that adorn the building’s exterior.

St Mary’s Parish Church has a rich history and is an important part of the local community. Whether you are a history buff or simply appreciate beautiful architecture, a visit to this impressive church is well worth your time.

History of St Mary’s Parish Church

St Mary’s Parish Church is a historic church located in Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland. The church has a rich history dating back to the 14th century.

The church was built in the 14th century and has undergone several renovations over the years. During the Siege of Haddington in 1548, the church was damaged, but it was later restored.

In the 17th century, the church underwent major renovations, including the addition of a new roof and tower. The tower was designed by architect James Smith and is a prominent feature of the church.

St Mary’s Parish Church has been an important part of the community in Haddington for centuries. The church has hosted many important events, including weddings, baptisms, and funerals.

Today, St Mary’s Parish Church continues to serve the community of Haddington. The church hosts regular services and events, and visitors are welcome to explore the historic building and learn more about its rich history.

Architecture and Building

St Mary’s Parish Church in East Lothian is a stunning example of Gothic architecture. The church was built in the 14th century and has been beautifully maintained over the years. The church is built from local sandstone and boasts many impressive features, including:

  • A large nave and chancel
  • A beautiful stained glass window
  • A bell tower with eight bells

The building has undergone several renovations and restorations over the years, but the original Gothic architecture has been preserved. The church is a Grade A listed building and is considered to be one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in Scotland.

The bell tower is an impressive feature of the church and contains eight bells. The bells were cast in the 18th century and are still in use today. The largest bell weighs over a tonne and can be heard for miles around.

St Mary’s Parish Church also has a magnificent pipe organ. The organ was built in the early 20th century and has been maintained to a high standard. The organ is used during services and also for concerts and recitals.

Services and Worship

St Mary’s Parish Church in East Lothian offers a range of traditional services and worship opportunities that cater to the spiritual needs of its congregation. The church follows the reformed church tradition and offers a welcoming environment for people from all walks of life.

The weekly Sunday service is the main worship event at St Mary’s. It starts at 11:00 am and usually lasts for an hour. The service includes hymns, prayers, readings from the Bible, and a sermon delivered by the minister. The choir performs during the service, adding to the spiritual atmosphere.

In addition to the Sunday service, St Mary’s also offers midweek services, including a Wednesday morning service and a Thursday evening service. These services provide an opportunity for people to worship and reflect on their faith in a more intimate setting.

St Mary’s also hosts special services throughout the year to celebrate important events such as Christmas, Easter, and Harvest Festival. These services are well-attended and provide a great opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate their faith.

Community and Congregation

St Mary’s Parish Church in East Lothian has a strong sense of community and congregation. The church is a hub of activity, with many events and activities taking place throughout the year.

The community is an essential part of the church, with many members volunteering their time and resources to support the church’s activities. The church has a strong focus on outreach, with many programs designed to help those in need. The congregation is diverse, with members from all walks of life and backgrounds.

Faith is at the heart of the community and congregation at St Mary’s Parish Church. The church offers a range of services and events designed to help members grow in their faith. The church also provides support and guidance to those who are struggling with their faith.

Donations are an essential part of the church’s work, with many members giving generously to support the church’s activities and outreach programs. The church is transparent about its finances, with regular reports and updates provided to members.

Role of the Minister and Session Clerk

At St Mary’s Parish Church in East Lothian, the Minister and Session Clerk play important roles in the functioning of the church.


The Minister is responsible for leading worship services, preaching sermons, and providing pastoral care to the congregation. They also oversee the administration of the sacraments, such as baptism and communion. In addition, the Minister works with the Session and other church committees to plan and coordinate events and activities.

The Minister at St Mary’s Parish Church is highly experienced and knowledgeable in matters of theology and church administration. They are a respected member of the community and play an important role in shaping the spiritual life of the congregation.

Session Clerk

The Session Clerk is responsible for the administration of the church, including maintaining records and minutes of meetings, managing finances, and overseeing the work of committees. They work closely with the Minister and other church leaders to ensure that the church runs smoothly and efficiently.

The Session Clerk at St Mary’s Parish Church is a skilled administrator with a keen eye for detail. They are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the church, and work tirelessly to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Music and Concerts

St Mary’s Parish Church in East Lothian offers a wonderful venue for music and concerts. The church’s acoustics and beautiful architecture provide a unique atmosphere that is perfect for musical performances.

Throughout the year, the church hosts a variety of concerts, featuring both local and international artists. The music ranges from classical to contemporary, catering to a wide range of tastes.

One of the most popular events held at St Mary’s is the annual Christmas concert. The church is beautifully decorated, and the concert features traditional carols and festive music. It is a wonderful way to get into the Christmas spirit and enjoy some beautiful music.

In addition to concerts, St Mary’s also has a strong musical tradition within its regular services. The church choir is made up of talented singers who perform a range of music, from traditional hymns to modern choral works.

Location and Contact Information

St Mary’s Parish Church is located in the heart of East Lothian, NY, making it accessible to both locals and visitors. The church is situated at the following address:

St Mary's Parish Church
Church Street
East Lothian, NY

For those who wish to contact the church, the following information may be useful:

St Mary’s Parish Church is committed to providing a warm welcome to all who visit. Whether you are a regular churchgoer or a first-time visitor, you are sure to find a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

The church is open for worship every Sunday at 10:30am. There are also regular midweek services and special events throughout the year. If you are interested in attending a service or event, please contact the church for more information.

St Mary’s Parish Church in the Media

St Mary’s Parish Church in East Lothian has been featured in various media outlets over the years. Here are some highlights:

The Courier

The Courier, a Scottish newspaper, has covered St Mary’s Parish Church on several occasions. In 2017, they reported on the church’s £1.8 million renovation project, which included the installation of a new heating system and repairs to the building’s stonework. The article also mentioned the church’s history, noting that it was built in the 12th century and has been in continuous use ever since.

In 2020, The Courier published an article about the church’s efforts to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic. The church had to close its doors to in-person worship, but they continued to hold services online. The article also mentioned that the church was providing support to vulnerable members of the community during the pandemic.

Other Media Coverage

St Mary’s Parish Church has also been featured in other media outlets. In 2019, the church was included in a list of the top 10 attractions in East Lothian by VisitScotland. The article highlighted the church’s stunning stained glass windows and its historical significance.

In 2021, the church was featured in an episode of the BBC’s “Songs of Praise” programme. The episode focused on the church’s music ministry and included interviews with members of the church choir.

St Mary’s Parish Church and the Lothians

St Mary’s Parish Church is a historic church located in Haddington, East Lothian. The church is a prominent landmark in the town and is known for its impressive architecture and rich history.

The church has played an important role in the religious and cultural life of the Lothians for centuries. It has been the site of many significant events, including royal visits and important religious ceremonies.

St Mary’s Parish Church is also closely linked to the history of Edinburgh and the surrounding area. The church was built in the 14th century, during a period of great prosperity and growth in the region. It has since been expanded and renovated several times, reflecting the changing needs and tastes of the community.

Today, St Mary’s Parish Church remains a vibrant and active place of worship, serving the spiritual needs of the local community. Visitors to the church can admire its impressive architecture and learn about its rich history through guided tours and exhibitions.

Weekly Schedule

St. Mary’s Parish Church in East Lothian offers a weekly schedule of services and events for its members and visitors. Here is a breakdown of the weekly schedule:


  • 8:30 AM – Holy Communion
  • 10:30 AM – Sung Eucharist
  • 6:00 PM – Evening Prayer


  • 9:30 AM – Morning Prayer


  • 10:00 AM – Holy Communion
  • 7:30 PM – Bible Study


  • 9:30 AM – Morning Prayer


  • 9:30 AM – Holy Communion

The Sunday services are the most well-attended, with the 10:30 AM Sung Eucharist being the main service of the week. The church also offers a Sunday school for children during the 10:30 AM service.

The Monday and Thursday morning prayers are a quiet and reflective way to start the day. The Wednesday night Bible study is a great opportunity for members to deepen their understanding of the Bible and connect with other members of the church.

Death and St Mary’s Parish Church

St Mary’s Parish Church has been a significant part of the East Lothian community for over 900 years. As a place of worship and a hub for community events, the church has witnessed many births, marriages, and deaths over the centuries.

Death is an inevitable part of life, and St Mary’s Parish Church has played a crucial role in providing comfort and support to the bereaved. The churchyard surrounding the church is the final resting place for many members of the community, and the church has conducted countless funeral services over the years.

One of the most notable graves in the churchyard is that of John Gray, the inspiration behind the famous story of Greyfriars Bobby. Bobby was a Skye Terrier who guarded his owner’s grave in Greyfriars Kirkyard in Edinburgh for 14 years after his death. John Gray was a night watchman at St Mary’s Parish Church and is buried in the churchyard.

The church also has a Memorial Book, which records the names of those who have passed away. The book is a poignant reminder of the many lives that have been touched by the church over the years.

In recent years, the church has also hosted a series of talks and workshops on death and dying. These events aim to provide support and guidance to those who are facing the end of their lives or who have recently experienced a bereavement.